OKK Trading - Wholesale Toys, Novelties, Seasonal, and Plush
OKK Trading - Wholesale Toys, Novelties, Seasonal, and Plush
2721 East 45th Street
Vernon, CA 90058
United States
323-725-8800- -108

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OKK Trading Inc., is one of the USA’s largest wholesale direct importers of dollar-store toys, stationery and seasonal merchandise. Our area of expertise is toys, both under $1.00 toys and over $1.00 toys. We do carry a LARGE array of over $1.00 toys, specially designed for retailers. Dollar stores 99 cent stores are one of our specialties, but our items sell well in all kinds of retail stores. With over 15 years experience as a dollar store and retail supplier, we know what sells. Our mission is to provide the highest value product at the lo ... more >
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